This article asserts that the single best move a credit union can make is to make sure to provide exceptional customer service at its phone contact center. That means that every call is positive and every problem is solved. One way to achieve this exceptional service is through a carefully planned program of mystery shopping—monitoring of the calls coming into the center. A mystery shopping service—such as the kind of programs provided by us here at Customer Perspectives—can help monitor and then improve on anything that is short of exceptional service.
Often, performance in the call center is good at the early stages but tends to fall off with longer term employees, and the organization has failed to plan for continuous improvement and monitoring. While an employee may be responding well to calls according to the initial checklist of appropriate behaviors, he/she may be missing opportunities to sell when there are unusual customer problems. A mystery shopping evaluation is an honest and efficient way of identifying any short-comings and a first step to correcting them. A mystery shopper can listen for an operator’s specific responses and/or whether or not new products or services are offered at appropriate times in the call.
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