Part 1


Is direct contact with customers intensive at your bank or credit union?  If so, you are putting your organization’s reputation and credibility in the hands of each employee who interacts with your customers.

Do you have a systematic and objective way to measure how your employees are projecting your image to the public?  If not, then chances are good that every working day, business that could have been yours is lost.

This is particularly true in service industries, such as financial institutions, where the products are intangible.  If those products are so similar that they are indistinguishable to most customers (checking accounts or IRAs, for example), then it becomes doubly important that the employees promoting these services demonstrate the friendliness, professionalism and personal interest that will not only ensure the sale but also will build customer loyalty and, thus, repeat business.  Conversely, if the employee is rude, uncaring or simply disinterested, today’s increasingly demanding and sophisticated customers are likely to “shop around” for a competitor who will take a personal interest in them and their needs.  It’s all about the customer experience.