The true value of a secret shopper service such as Customer Perspectives is knowing what’s really going on in your store when management isn’t around. A good mystery shopping service will set up a customer service evaluation program for you that is based on needs that you have identified. This article explains some of how a mystery shopping program should work to deliver you the data you need:
1) You should know what you expect of your employees already, based on what’s written in a handbook or covered in training.
2) Set specific goals that can be observed by the mystery shopper. This usually takes the form of a question for the secret shopper to answer for you.
3) Consider mystery shop changes you may need based on changes in your business. You’ll want to keep the shop program consistent, so that you can measure, but perhaps add new things to observe once in a while.
4) You might have areas a mystery shopper could observe outside of customer service, such as store hours or interactions within the store.
5) Can your mystery shopping experience include looking for ways employees increase sales? Do they suggest additional products or upgrades, for example?
6) If you’ve used mystery shopping services and discovered below par performance, schedule more frequent mystery shops to evaluate progress.
7) Consider allowing mystery shoppers to evaluate your store whenever possible. Restricting it to certain hours may provide a false picture of what is actually happening in your store.
8) Have the mystery shopping company look for positive experiences, too. If the secret shopper reports good news, your company can implement a rewards program.
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