Our blogWhat Expenses Can a Mystery Shopper Write Off?
What expenses can a mystery shopper write off? According to an article by Susan Braun, writing for, those employed as mystery shoppers can deduct the following expenses on their taxes when those expenses aren't reimbursed: First, you must acquire a Schedule...
Convenience stores can reap rewards with customer evaluation services
Quality service and consistent delivery at convenience stores are key factors in gaining customer loyalty and increased sales, according to experts quoted in this article from Convenience Store News. Since convenience stores often sell gas, and gas prices fluctuate...
Survey Confirms the Importance of the Receptionist on the Overall Patient Experience
This article from shows the importance of the frontline--the receptionist who is the first person to greet patients as they visit their clinic or hospital, or when they call to inquire about an appointment or with a health care question. Therefore, it's...
How to write a perfect mystery shop report and how to get a shopper rating of 10!
When you take on the job of Mystery Shopper, you'll soon learn that there are ways to get your ratings up on the shops that you do. Here are a few tips from an article by Mike Mershimer of HS Brands International: 1. Be on time. Turning in your report as soon after...
Taking the Mystery Out of Mystery Shopping by Undercover ‘Customers’
Here's one example of how mystery shoppers do their jobs, according to an article by Chad Cain in A 59-year-old substitute teacher working as a mystery shopper has gone assignment wearing a tiny video camera hidden in one of the buttons of her shirt....
Mystery Shopping On Your Terms: Getting the Assignments You Want
Very few mystery shoppers would argue with the fact that some mystery shopping assignments are just better than others. After all, who wouldn’t rather take on a fine dining mystery shopping or even a coffee shop mystery shopping assignment over one in an office supply...
Three services mystery shoppers can provide
In an article on Investopedia, some examples of mystery shopping and how it can benefit the end-user, the customer, are explained: Branding A mystery shopper can check that an establishment has “brand integration”—otherwise known as providing a product or service that...
What’s hot in mystery shopping: It’s not all shopping and eating!
You probably haven’t ever heard ‘hot’ and ‘mystery shopping’ in the same sentence. But, according to Jane Edwards-Hall, the world of mystery shopping is spicing up as more traditional researchers deploy mystery shopping programs in ways you would least expect. Ms....
What’s the cost of losing a customer?
It wouldn’t be a good situation to be gaining customers in respectable numbers, but losing existing customers just the same. Gaining or losing a customer has a significant impact on a company’s profits. If new customers are gained by offering them significant...
Mystery shopping programs explained
The true value of a secret shopper service such as Customer Perspectives is knowing what’s really going on in your store when management isn’t around. A good mystery shopping service will set up a customer service evaluation program for you that is based on needs that...