Our blogCall center staffs can benefit from a mystery shopping program
Hiring a mystery shopping firm such as Customer Perspectives may be one way a call center can track whether employees are providing the type of customer service expected of them. A well-trained team of call center employees is essential to repeat business and...
The lifestyle of a mystery shopper
Here’s one mystery shopper’s take on the kind of reactions she gets when she tells people she’s a mystery shopper, and her life checking up on apartment leasing companies. The author discusses how she fits mystery shopping into her daily schedule. It’s easier for...
Customer Service Lessons of Super Storm Sandy
I was very impressed with the proactivity of some customer service departments prior to Super Storm Sandy. On Sunday, I received a voicemail message at my home from the Public service Company of New Hampshire – PSNH – advising me of the impending storm and steps I...
Greetings matter
ATT, the telephone service, has a rule that a customer coming in the door must be greeted within 10 seconds and within 10 feet of the entrance. It’s something ATT has committed itself to—the proper way to greet a customer—because the research shows that the...
October 2012 Client Newsletter
You could win customers and loyalty with 7 simple steps
In this article from, the author provides seven small gestures that can go a long way toward winning new customers. His ideas can be broken down into just a few things to keep in mind if customer service and customer loyalty are important to your business....
Two points of view on any business transaction
Any interaction between an organization or business and the people who use their product or services can be thought of as a “customer experience” and, according to one expert in this article, shouldn’t be overlooked. In short, a business needs to know what it KNOWS...
Use mystery shopping to improve employee performance
One way to ensure that your employees are interacting with customers the way you want them to be is to start a mystery shopping program to gain the customer’s perspective. This article by Tom Brown states that mystery shopping can free you, the company owner, from...
Senior living communities can focus marketing efforts with a mystery shopping program
In this article from, conducting a mystery shopping or customer evaluation program at a senior living community can reveal gaps in the organization’s marketing efforts, determine how one community compares to another, find out if sales staff are...
Consider the varying age groups of your employees when conducting mystery shops
One thing to think about when you’re developing a mystery shopping program using a company like Customer Perspectives is the age groupings of your employees, the ones who will be evaluated based on their customer service abilities. To use the results of the mystery...