If you’re in the banking business, you are probably aware of how much banking customers hate fees. Yet, you may also know they are a necessity. To combat any ill will from customers, this article recommends you excel in customer service—namely, being really good at it. Research shows that banks, among all other types of businesses, experience a high correlation between customer service and customer loyalty. In other words, banking customers will drop you in a minute if they see something better elsewhere. Consider these advanced customer service tactics:
1) Provide personalized, quality customer service; today’s technologies make personalization easier and the environment makes it a necessity.
2) Pay attention to improving constantly. Don’t just create a program and forget it. This article suggests you measure, analyze and improve your process, then repeat.
3) Maintain continuity in the customer experience which, these days, means making sure that customer can access her accounts when and where she wants, using the technology she wants (or not). You have to make the experience consistent whether it’s on a mobile phone, a website, over the phone, or in person.
4) Communicate with customers proactively. Send out bill-pay reminders, helpful tips on managing finances, and timely news on service updates.
To ensure the customer experience you create in your bank is meeting all your goals, consider enlisting a customer evaluation services such as Customer Perspectives. We’ve been working with financial institutions since our beginning in 1983.
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