When the front-line is kept from going with the flow

Policy miscommunication.  That’s what I chalked my most recent Bad Customer Service Experience up to.  It had been one of those days. I was late. It was raining. I didn’t have a coat or umbrella. I was tired and on the verge of a cold. I ran into the Big Box store...

One bad apple can spoil your whole bunch

I live in a small community where pretty much everybody knows everybody else. That can be good in times of trouble and bad when, well, you have stirred up trouble. We have a small organic and natural foods market here. For a long time, it was the only one of its kind...

Keeping a customer for life is worth the investment

Building trust and establishing a relationship with your customer are keys to creating a lifelong customer, according to this Forbes article. Such a relationship can start by making sure you’re delivering the “wow” in customer service. You go beyond what that customer...