Which mystery shoppers get the best assignments?

Reliability and professional communication. That’s what the author of this article says are the traits of  a mystery shopper that would get them more assignments than others in the same pool. Some mystery shoppers are certified, but this author suggests other factors...

The language you use with customers really does matter

I have this admittedly petty pet peeve when it comes to clerks in retail stores answering my, “Thank you,” with “No problem” instead of “You’re welcome” or “It was my pleasure.”  Okay. I’m nitpicking, I know. But the phrase, “No problem” indicates, to me  that I, as...

Your service has to be personal, not automated

Technology allows us to automate a lot of our business functions these days, but it also contributes to what customers might perceive as indifference or neglect.  Recent flaps over an automated customer service response on a company’s social media site has brought new...