No questions asked; no proof required

My husband brought home the items on our grocery list, no problem.  The next day, we opened the package of bread he had bought and found it moldy.  We usually have receipts around for a few days, but not this time. We dug through the trash. Nothing. My husband decided...

Bad customers, bad experience for others

It’s unavoidable, really. In certain kinds of businesses—a bank, a retail store—a certain kind of customer can easily turn a good experience into a bad experience for his or her fellow customers. Nevertheless, it’s the business that will be blamed. In this article...

Are you getting four-letter words from customers?

Maybe you’ve got some kind of customer service evaluation survey—online or over the phone—going on in your company? If you do, but the answers you’re getting from your customers are along the lines of “fine”, “good” and “okay”, maybe that’s a clue that you’re...

Love the ones you’re with; they’ll bring you more

Repeat customers are the largest source of revenue for more than 43 percent of small business respondents to a recent survey by Huzzah Media. The SECOND source of revenue cited by these small businesses was “word of mouth”—or, put another way, that first large group...