Maybe you’ve got some kind of customer service evaluation survey—online or over the phone—going on in your company? If you do, but the answers you’re getting from your customers are along the lines of “fine”, “good” and “okay”, maybe that’s a clue that you’re providing just mediocre service.  Such is the theory behind this article from  The author calls those the four-letter-words you want your customers to avoid using. The way to go beyond being merely “okay”, she suggests?

1) Make sure you’ve taken steps that make your customers stand out in your own mind. You need to seek the points of differentiation and then ask the customers what they need and want.

2) Know what the competition is doing. Networking is one way to do that. Take good notes that will help you go beyond what you know others in your industry are doing.

3) Hire the right people who are the best at what they do and who genuinely “get” good customer service.