The folks at Forrester have identified what this research firm sees as the top trends in customer service for the year 2014. In short, we are all living our lives online these days, using various devices, and the research is showing that customers want to be able to contact your business using whichever way they like. They also want to be able to start communicating with you using one device or method, but be able to easily switch to another in order to get their business done! Therefore, businesses would do well to begin to understand which methods their customers now prefer—email, phone, mobile device, instant chat?
The authors claims that the meteoric rise in mobile phone use for everything in our lives will by necessity lead businesses into understand how to provide customer service using mobile, and implementing mobile problem-solving strategies across every department—marketing, sales, e-commerce, etc.
Companies say they are planning to do more and more with understanding customer behavior, particularly online, in order to be ready at a moment’s notice to meet the customer’s needs. This might be following a customer’s travels through a website and, when appropriate, popping up with Instant Chat or immediately sending an offer or coupon. In short, those companies which are trying to fully understand customer behavior are intent on providing more and more personalized experiences.
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